The Cost of Freedom - Refugee Journalists in Canada

Released autumn 2021

Produced by Tamarack Productions in association with Paradigm Pictures


Dishonour Defied (2007)
Directed by Azra Rashid
Producers Stacey Johnson & James Cullingham
Executive producer James Cullingham


Ties that Bind(2001)

Directed, produced, & written by James Cullingham for VisionTV


The Megantic Outlaw (1999)

Directed by James Cullingham for BBC Scotland


Counter Currents - The Fight for Fish on the Fraser River (1994)

Directed by Anne Bromley
Produced by James Cullingham for CBC Newsworld


Visit from Africa (1993)

Co-directed by Gil Cardinal & James Cullingham for Great North Productions in association with Tamarack Productions


Temagami – A Living Title to the Land (1993)

Written & directed by James Cullingham for Great Plains Productions in association with Tamarack Productions


As Long as The Rivers Flow (1991)

  • Flooding Job’s Garden (Boyce Richardson)

  • The Learning Path (Loretta Sarah Todd)

  • Starting Fire with Gunpowder (David Poisey)

  • Tikinagan (Gil Cardinal)

  • Time Immemorial (Hugh Brody)

Visit Icarus films for distribution.


Peawanuck - The Promised Land (1988)

Directed & produced by Garth Douglas. Co-produced, narrated & written by James Cullingham