today’s emission on trent radio
Mondays 12:30-2:00PM ET across the known universe
92.7FM Nogojiwanong-Peterborough
Join James Cullingham weekly for a delectable mix of interviews, eclectic musical selections and spoken word.
A project in action and development!
A series of radio interviews on Trent Radio and a documentary film in development in association with the World Refugee & Migration Council based in Ottawa. Watch this space for ongoing info.
Photo by Li Robbins
James Cullingham delivered his work to Médiathèque au Musée Quai du Branly Jacques Chircac, Bibliothèque rue Serpente l'Université de Paris Sorbonne and Bibliothèque du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris in March 2024. The book will be available to university students and researchers throughout France.
Published by Seneca Press, which supports the distribution of scholarly research from within the Seneca community
Two Dead White Men - DC Scott, Jacques Soustelle and the Failure of Indigenous Policy explores the complex careers of Duncan Campbell Scott and Jacques Soustelle.
”Cullingham’s magic lies somewhere between the serious social scientist, the diarist, the outdoorsman and the carnival juggler.” - Robin Benger, author and filmmaker
Print edition available to order by email.
E-Book available on Kindle.
TODAY'S EMISSION Trent Radio3pmET 92.7FM locally. Internet throughout known universe. Kate Story on challenges for…
In Santa Fe @RMCLAS 2023 to present on "Shadow of The Eagle CAN-MX-USA" book concept #History #culture #Canada…
RT @JamesCullingham: Hey Vancouver! C'mon out The Cost of Freedom - Refugee Journalists in Canada @refjrnsdoc screening @KDocsFF 2:30pm…
RT @JamesCullingham: HEY VANCOUVER - COMING SOON @refjrnsdoc Saturday February 25 @KDocsFF THE COST OF FREEDOM... shows in a double f…